Vodárenská 22, 530 03 Pardubice - Nemošice, Czech Republic
The company is registered at the Regional Court in Hradec Králové, file number C 192.
Up-to-date information about GASCO s.r.o. is available directly in the Commercial Register.
In the days of June 8th to 9th, 2023, the twelfth annual traditional golf tournament "GASCO OPEN 2023" took place at the Golf Resort Lázně Bohdaneč, with the participation of around ninety amateur players. The weather was beautiful, a lavish buffet had become a tradition, and exclusive prizes for the winners were not lacking. This year, we welcomed special guests, actors Matouš Rajmont and David Suchařík, actress Eva Čížkovská, footballers Horst Siegl and Ladislav Maier, and others. The evening was made more enjoyable by another show by Pavel Cejnar.
The competition took place in five categories, and the winners of the tournament were David Voženílek, Jaroslav Lauterkranc, Jiří Ptáček, Lenka Pátková, and Veronika Kesch.
A charity event was also held as part of the competition, and the proceeds, along with an additional contribution from the GASCO company, were sent for the restoration of the organ in the Roman Catholic parish church in the deanery of Lanškroun.
We would like to thank all participants for their support and look forward to the next year in 2024!
Vodárenská 22, 530 03 Pardubice - Nemošice, Czech Republic
The company is registered at the Regional Court in Hradec Králové, file number C 192.
Up-to-date information about GASCO s.r.o. is available directly in the Commercial Register.
GASCO s.r.o.
Vodárenská 22
530 03 Pardubice - Nemošice
Czech Republic
IČO: 150 490 35
DIČ: CZ15049035
Tel: 774 658 104
E-mail: gasco@gasco.cz
ID DS: qeb7sb6
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