Vodárenská 22, 530 03 Pardubice - Nemošice, Czech Republic
The company is registered at the Regional Court in Hradec Králové, file number C 192.
Up-to-date information about GASCO s.r.o. is available directly in the Commercial Register.
GASCO s.r.o. was founded in 1991. Our main focus is the construction, maintenance, and reconstruction of gas facilities. Since 2000 we also provide the construction of water lines, sewage systems, and other engineering sites. With our 80 employees we currently belong to medium businesses. As a result of our wide-ranging experience and peak technical background our services are available throughout the Czech Republic without any regional limitations.
In the field of gas industry our company specializes in construction of low-pressure gas pipelines (NTL), medium-pressure gas pipelines (STL), and high-pressure gas pipe-lines (VTL) as well as connections for public use. We also offer the construction of gas regulation stations and their maintenance, the construction of domestic gas pipes, industrial pipelines and devices for gas consummation by combustion.
Since 2006 we provide emergency care in the gas industry in the regions of Pardubice and Hradec Králové. We are technology partners of RWE.
The production of parts and components for pipe systems. Specialized work, such as ballooning, stoppling, pressure-drilling is provided by GASCO TECH s. r. o.
In the area of water facilities we build gravity sewer systems, pressure sewer systems, and we are also experienced in constructing vacuum sewer systems, including the construction of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP).
We also engage in the construction of water pipe lines, water reservoirs, pressure water stations, including their maintenance.
On a great scale we manage repairs and reconstructions of these sites.
Our company is a member of the Association of Constructors of Gas Pipelined and Product Pipelines (ASPP), which unites all companies that have a demostrably established quality management system and comply with the rules of of TPG, ČSN, and EN for the construction of gas pipelines and other product pipelines. Our company is also certified by the GAS organization.
As a responsible business we provide – according to law – the required information about our company on our website.
You may find information from the Commercial Register below:
Company: GASCO s.r.o., Vodárenská 22, 530 03 Pardubice - Nemošice
Společnost vedená u Krajského soudu v Hradci Králové , spisová značka C 192
Business registered at the Regional Court in Hradec Králové, file number C 192
Up-to-date information about GASCO s.r.o. is available directly in the Commercial Register.
Vodárenská 22, 530 03 Pardubice - Nemošice, Czech Republic
The company is registered at the Regional Court in Hradec Králové, file number C 192.
Up-to-date information about GASCO s.r.o. is available directly in the Commercial Register.
GASCO s.r.o.
Vodárenská 22
530 03 Pardubice - Nemošice
Czech Republic
IČO: 150 490 35
DIČ: CZ15049035
Tel: 774 658 104
E-mail: gasco@gasco.cz
ID DS: qeb7sb6
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